How to Cook Beef Round Seamed Eye Round Steak

Dealing with steak may be intimidating to some. For instance, techniques similar roasting, searing, and broiling can be overwhelming to learn. Also, getting the right doneness at a sure temperature tin can be frustrating. On top of that, you still have to choose the right cutting of meat. All these can be confusing for a beginner cook.

Luckily plenty, it doesn't take to be that way. This eye of round steak recipe teaches classic pan-searing techniques to cook tender steak. Eye of round steak comes from the rear leg of the cow. And as the meat comes from the hind leg, it is a lean cut with low-fat content. Meaning, y'all can still relish this cutting of meat while under a stricter diet.

The middle of round steak is easily overlooked considering of its toughness. But it's actually non difficult to ensure the steak comes out tender without resorting to marinades. And that is to only avert moving your steaks too much while they're cooking, and to make sure y'all cook it fast. Medium-rare is the best level of doneness for middle of round steaks.  Less effort, neat results. If yous're new to cooking steak, this is a peachy recipe to start.

Too, while we are already using rosemary to add fragrance to the steak, y'all tin can likewise make a gravy to give the steak even more than flavor. Indeed, our savory gravy fabricated from beefiness broth will definitely give greater depth to this simple steak. If you want a side dish for this meal, roasted vegetables is perfect for this dish!

Besides this eye of round steak, in that location are other round steak recipes that can help you achieve an elegant dish to impress your date on your fancy dinner for two. All it takes is do and a huge appetite. If you wish to try a challenging dish, endeavor our Rosemary Ribeye Steak  recipe. There's no need to be intimidated. This round eye steak recipe is a neat stepping to stone. And so, let's start cooking some steak!

Tip: If y'all can't find the cut of meat needed for this recipe, you lot tin can always switch information technology up with a ribeye or a filet mignon, if y'all feel like treating yourself.

Eye of Round Steak Recipe

How to Melt Eye of Round Steak


A thick and juicy steak to try, this eye of round steak recipe is a elementary and quick dish to cook. Pair it with some red wine and it'll be perfect for intimate date nights at dwelling!

Prep: five mins

Cook: 10 mins

Full: 15 mins


For Steak:

  • two tbsp unsalted butter
  • 2 garlic cloves, whole
  • 3 rosemary sprigs
  • ½ lb eye of round steaks
  • salt and pepper to taste

For Gravy (optional):

  • ½ cup beef broth
  • 1 tsp onion pulverisation
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • ½ tsp cornstarch, or 1 tbsp flour


  1. In a heated skillet, driblet in a tablespoon of butter. Making sure not to fire the butter.

  2. Flavor with salt and pepper and sear the eye of round steaks in your skillet. Moving the steaks unnecessarily will make information technology tough and rubbery.

  3. Sear the edges of your steak until a crisp, golden brown outer layer forms. Or you tin can practice the finger exam to check if it is medium-rare.

  4. At present, drop in another tablespoon of butter to your skillet.

  5. Throw in a few sprigs of fresh rosemary and 2 cloves of crushed garlic. The rosemary-garlic infused butter will add together a great depth of flavor to your steak. Remove the steak from the skillet and prepare aside.

For Gravy:

  1. Make a simple gravy from pan drippings with this elementary recipe. In the same skillet add your beef broth, onion powder, and paprika.

  2. Add the balsamic vinegar, cook for 2 to three minutes or until information technology comes to a boil.

  3. Turn the heat to medium-high and mix the cornstarch (or flour) to your gravy and bring to a boil.

  4. Drizzle over your seared medium-rare eye of round steak and dig in! This decadent slice of heaven is sure to exit you craving for more.


  • Sugar: 1g
  • :
  • Calcium: 5mg
  • Calories: 660kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 3g
  • Cholesterol: 256mg
  • Fatty: 36g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Fe: 1mg
  • Potassium: 59mg
  • Protein: 73g
  • Saturated Fat: 18g
  • Sodium: 437mg
  • Vitamin A: 921IU
  • Vitamin C: 1mg
Nutrition Disclaimer

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the finger examination for steak?

Commencement, you determine the feeling of raw meat by relaxing your hand and pressing on the expanse between the thumb and base of the palm. It should experience a little bouncy and soft. When you move your thumb to the index finger, the same area will feel a little firmer than before. This is how a rare steak feels similar. Slide your pollex to the middle finger, and that surface area will feel slightly tenser. This is the feeling of a medium-rare steak. Pressing the thumb to the band finger, y'all experience the expanse becoming springy, which is the feeling of a medium steak. Connecting the pollex and pinky finger volition make the area house to touch. And that will be how a well-washed steak feels.

How do I make a tender eye of round steak?

If y'all are however apprehensive of using this tough cutting and want a certain way to tenderize the meat, nosotros suggest using a mallet. Of course, not anybody would take that on hand. Merely, using whatsoever kitchen tool bachelor, you can pound the steak to interruption the connecting tissues. This also ensures that information technology cooks on an even surface.

Round Eye Steak, Juicy Meat, Pan-seared Meat, Beef Eye, American Cuisine


This unproblematic recipe has incorporated techniques applicable to a number of other cuts of beefiness. It'southward a beginner starting signal for pan-searing techniques to achieve moist and tender steak. The middle of round steak is also cracking for roasting, grilling, or broiling and so don't be afraid to try your hand at other steak recipes.

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