Using the Same Cutting Board for Raw Chicken and Raw Beef Is Called Cross Contamization

Preventing cross contamination

Cross contagion is when harmful bacteria are accidentally transferred from raw nutrient to fix-to-eat food.

Nigh cases of food poisoning are caused by bacteria from raw food coming into contact with food that is ready to eat. Follow these five rules to forestall it happening in your kitchen.

one. Wash your hands well after treatment raw meat or poultry

Research done by safenutrient has turned up some startling evidence with regard to handwashing:

  • 80% of people didn't launder their hands thoroughly after handling raw mince
  • 84% didn't thoroughly wash their easily subsequently handling raw chicken while preparing a warm craven salad
  • 26% of people had raw meat bacteria on their hands afterward preparing food

But think about where your hands have been and where and what they will bear on.

2. Handle raw meat packaging just every bit carefully as the meat itself

Harmful bacteria such equally E.coli tin concluding on your food packaging for up to 24 hours. These bacteria can be transferred quite easily to other kitchen surfaces and also to hands and other kitchen surfaces such every bit worktops and press handles. Research by the Food Standards Authorisation of Ireland found that xiii% of chicken packaging was contaminated with Campylobacter.

  • When you practice your shopping, pack your raw meat and poultry separately from your ready-to-consume foods. If you utilize reusable bags, go along one bag for raw meats but.
  • Store your raw meat and poultry on the bottom shelf of your fridge below ready to eat foods.
  • Remove your raw meat and poultry from their packaging and directly place on to your cutting board or baking tray. Wash the containers before recycling them, by rinsing them in warm soapy water. To avoid spreading bacteria around the sink, have intendance non to splash any water onto the surrounding areas. To prevent contaminating whatever of your work surfaces, it is e'er a good idea to sanitise the surface area effectually the sink after you launder these containers.
  • Later on you have finished preparing your raw meat or poultry, wash downwards all surfaces with hot soapy water.

iii. Don't presume that your work surfaces are bacteria free, just considering they look make clean

Bacteria like Campylobacter tin can last on kitchen surfaces for upward to 1 hour and Due east.coli can last for up to 24 hours. safefood inquiry establish that:

  • 96% of kitchen surfaces were non thoroughly washed afterwards food preparation.
  • 43% were contaminated with raw meat bacteria after nutrient preparation.
  • A farther 67% of people didn't launder the chopping board after using it to prepare raw chicken.
  • Of the chopping boards tested, 50% were contaminated with raw meat bacteria after preparation.

It's e'er proficient exercise to wash worktops and cutting boards with hot soapy water later preparing foods, especially after preparing raw meat, poultry, seafood or raw vegetables. E'er clean as y'all go between preparing these foods and especially when handling raw foods so handling fix to eat foods.

iv. Launder your kitchen utensils afterward each use

The study done by safenutrient plant that:

  • 72% of people failed to thoroughly wash a pocketknife that was used in preparing raw chicken before reusing it to cut salad vegetables.
  • 67% of people failed to thoroughly wash a knife that had been used to ready raw beef  before cutting salad vegetables.
  • Of the knives that were tested, 18% were contaminated with Campylobacter and 5% were contaminated with E.coli.
  • A whopping 37% of the salads tested were contaminated with raw meat leaner.

Scrub all kitchen utensils thoroughly in plenty of clean hot soapy water or in a dishwasher, especially after using them to prepare raw meat or poultry.

5. Don't use dishcloths for more than two days in a row

Rinsing dishcloths under the tap does not remove germs. Dishcloths that are used for more 2 days tend to have high levels of bacteria.

Food poisoning bacteria can survive and grow on dishcloths, particularly when the textile is clammy. Dishcloths are normally stored crumpled up, and so they stay wet and often incorporate larger numbers of bacteria. Of the dishcloths tested in the prophylacticfood survey, E.coli was present on 27.v% and Listeria was present on 13.five% of them.

  • Change your dishcloth at least every other solar day.
  • If you utilize your dishcloth to wipe off 'loftier risk' food droppings such every bit raw eggs, raw meat, raw poultry, raw fish or raw vegetables, change the fabric straight away.
  • Boiling your dishcloth for fifteen minutes or washing it on a standard cycle in the washing machine are constructive ways to kill whatsoever bacteria that might be present.
  • Don't use a dishcloth that smells.
  • If it looks dirty, it is very probable that a high number of bacteria are present.

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